

Timetabled lessons are only one dimension of academic life at Harrow International School Bengaluru. To allow our students to be stretched and their intellectual curiosities inspired, we provide a broad range of academic extension opportunities which we refer to as the Super-Curriculum.

The Super-Curriculum at Harrow Bengaluru allows our students:

  • to join clubs and societies which meet at lunchtime or after the school day to develop their passion in particular subject areas;
  • to attend lectures and seminars by guest speakers, bringing additional insight into specialist fields;
  • to get involved in debating and public-speaking competitions, helping them to gain confidence and the ability to deliver their message in an open forum;
  • to take on additional voluntary academic challenges which connect to their classes but go beyond the regular subject syllabuses;
  • to take part in national and international competitions such as Maths and Science Olympiads or Oxbridge essay competitions;
  • to explore the connectivity between their subjects through, for example, STEAM activities, Robotics Competitions and Language Clubs.

The Harrow Bengaluru Super-Curriculum, then, is a crucial part of the process of turning our students into life-long learners with genuine interest and enthusiasm for intellectual endeavour.